A Spanish Word a Day – Correr
A Spanish Word a Day – Correr – Moving swiftly on foot, often for exercise or competition.
Spanish Idiom of the day! – Tener el dedo en la llaga
Spanish Idiom of the day! – Tener el dedo en la llaga
A Spanish Word a Day – Noche
A Spanish Word a Day – Noche – The time between sunset and sunrise, when it’s dark outside.
A Spanish Word a Day – Lápiz
A Spanish Word a Day – Lápiz – A writing or drawing instrument with a thin, cylindrical shape.
A Spanish Word a Day – Oído
A Spanish Word a Day – Oído – The sense of perceiving sound through the ears.
A Spanish Word a Day – Tierra
A Spanish Word a Day – Tierra – The planet we inhabit, covered with land, water, and atmosphere.
Spanish Idiom of the day! – Irse por los cerros de Úbeda.
Spanish Idiom of the day! – Irse por los cerros de Úbeda.
A Spanish Word a Day – Jardín
A Spanish Word a Day – Jardín – An outdoor area around a house, often planted with flowers.